Minimal Residual Risk for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C from Blood Products Based on screening results of over 58 million blood donations from the American Red Cross from more than 14.7 million… February 28, 2020
Decreases in U.S. Blood Donors Despite Increases in Eligible Donors Although the number of RBC and whole blood cell transfusions has decreased by approximately 10% over the last decade, there… December 12, 2019
Urgent Global Need of Blood Products The current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommend 10-20 blood donations per 1000 individuals, but these guidelines do not take… October 29, 2019
Extended Trial Confirms that Frequent Donors Give More Blood but Are More Likely to be Iron Deficient The original INTERVAL trial randomly assigned more than 45,000 blood donors in the United Kingdom to different donation frequencies… September 25, 2019
Red Blood Cells Donated by Smokers Associated with Lower Increments Many recent studies have investigated the safety of blood according to donor demographics (e.g. age, sex, genetic polymorphisms) and blood… August 14, 2019
Enzymatic Conversion of Group A Blood to Universal Group O Blood As reported in Nature Microbiology, researchers have identified a set of enzymes isolated from human gut bacteria that convert the… June 26, 2019
Screening Blood Donors for Familial Hypercholesterolemia Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) a genetic disorder which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease 100-fold and affects approximately 1 in 250… May 29, 2019
Chagas Disease Screening for Family Members of Positive Blood Donors Chagas disease (CD) is a zoonotic infection caused by blood sucking Trypanosoma cruzi—a parasite that infects over 6 million people… April 10, 2019
Female Blood Donors at Risk for Iron Deficiency In the United States, adolescents 16-18 years old donate approximately 1.5 million units of blood each year. Although donating blood… February 21, 2019
Frequent Platelet Donors at Risk for Lymphopenia In the US, the vast majority of platelets are collected via apheresis. Individuals may donate apheresis-derived platelets up to 24… February 13, 2019