Screening Blood Donors for Familial Hypercholesterolemia Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) a genetic disorder which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease 100-fold and affects approximately 1 in 250… May 29, 2019
Chagas Disease Screening for Family Members of Positive Blood Donors Chagas disease (CD) is a zoonotic infection caused by blood sucking Trypanosoma cruzi—a parasite that infects over 6 million people… April 10, 2019
Female Blood Donors at Risk for Iron Deficiency In the United States, adolescents 16-18 years old donate approximately 1.5 million units of blood each year. Although donating blood… February 21, 2019
Frequent Platelet Donors at Risk for Lymphopenia In the US, the vast majority of platelets are collected via apheresis. Individuals may donate apheresis-derived platelets up to 24… February 13, 2019
Teenage Blood Donors at Increased Risk for Iron Deficiency Teenagers (16-18 years of age) contribute 10% of the blood supply in the United States. Teenagers require iron to grow… January 23, 2019
Blood Use After Mass Shootings Since 2000, mass shootings (>3 deaths) have increased in frequency and severity. Hemorrhage is the main cause of death immediately… November 7, 2018
How Cost-Effective Is Zika Virus Screening? In 2016, the United States began mandated screening of individual donations for the Zika Virus (ZIKV) using nucleic acid testing… October 31, 2018
Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates among Reinstated MSM Donors In December 2016, the American Red Cross began collecting blood from men who have sex with men (MSM) in… October 17, 2018
Matching RH Genotypes for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease RH antigens are encoded by two highly polymorphic genes, RHD and RHCE. Homologous recombination and novel polymorphism have resulted in… September 19, 2018
Reducing the risk of transfusion transmitted Babesia: an AABB Report Babesia is an intraerythorcytic parasite transmitted by black-legged ticks and is also the most common infectious agent for transfusion transmitted… September 12, 2018