Universal Donor Red Blood Cells Can Be Genetically Engineered Using CRISPR Gene Editing Alloimmunization commonly affects 2-5% of all transfusion recipients and approximately 30% of chronically transfused patients with sickle-cell disease. Since ABO… May 2, 2018
Intravenous Iron Supplementation Increases Hemoglobin and Iron Levels in Female Blood Donors Since iron deficiency in blood donors is a common problem and compliance for taking oral iron supplements may be challenging,… February 20, 2018
Global Variations in Blood Safety and Availability Based on WHO Report Every two years since 1998 the World Health Organization (WHO) has collected data on blood safety and availability. The WHO… January 24, 2018
Hispanic Blood Donors at Increased Risk of Low Iron Levels Age, sex and donation frequency are known risk factors for low iron levels in blood donors. To identify other risk… October 11, 2017
Frequent Donors Give More Blood but Are More Likely to be Iron Deficient The first randomized trial assessing donation-intervals recently published in The Lancet will help to clarify safe whole blood donation frequencies… September 27, 2017
Demographic Changes Directly Impact Blood Supply, but Not Demand In order to determine if demographic changes impact both blood supply and demand, researchers in Germany organized a prospective, 10-year… June 28, 2017
Study Shows Fewer Blood Donations and Transfusions in 2015 Results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015 National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (NBCUS) in the United… June 21, 2017
Feasibility of Post-donation Iron Replacement for Whole Blood Donors Female blood donors and young donors have a particularly high risk for iron deficiency, and randomized trials have shown that… May 30, 2017
High-Throughput Sequencing Used To Identify Pathogens in Donated Blood Ensuring a safe blood supply requires multiple strategies and is continually evolving with new, emerging pathogens. Researchers in Switzerland recently… May 24, 2017
Large-Scale Iron Testing Feasible for Blood Centers Iron deficiency is a common problem among frequent blood donors. The Canadian Blood Services recently sought to identify donors at… March 29, 2017