Low Rate of HIV Testing Among High-Risk Blood Donors in Brazil As part of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS-II), researchers analyzed 341 HIV-positive blood… September 20, 2016
Surveys Report Fewer Blood Collections and Transfusions in 2013 The AABB Blood Collection, Utilization, and Patient Blood Management Survey and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National… September 7, 2016
Mandatory Blood Screening to Prevent Transfusion-Transmission of Zika Virus Two platelet transfusion recipients acquired the Zika virus from their transfusions, as recently reported in The New England Journal of… August 29, 2016
FDA Recommends Screening Blood for Zika Virus in South Florida after Reports of Local Transmission Last week, the Florida Health Department reported four local mosquito-borne cases of Zika virus in South Florida. Currently, officials believe… August 1, 2016
Most Blood Donors Are Motivated by Altruism The Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS-II) is currently monitoring more than 50% of the U.S. blood donations. From 2010 to… July 27, 2016
Association of Increased Death in Transfusion Recipients from Young or Female Donors In an observational cohort study over seven years, 30,503 red blood cells (RBC) transfusion recipients who received close to 188,000… July 20, 2016
No Increased Risk of Blood Donations from MSM after Temporary Deferrals Most industrialized countries do not allow blood donations from men who have had sex with men (MSM). Recently, however, several… June 29, 2016
Malaria and Viruses Common among Travelers from Tropical and Subtropical Areas Malaria is the most common cause of fever in travelers returning from tropical and subtropical areas. In order to better… May 4, 2016
Chikungunya Positive Blood Donations During Puerto Rico Epidemic The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), normally spread by Aedes mosquitoes, is now in the Western Hemisphere. Several CHIKV epidemics have been… April 20, 2016
Time Constraints Deter Blood Donors In an attempt to better understand deterrents to donating blood, almost 2,000 blood donors in Quebec were surveyed.Although answers varied… January 22, 2016