Recommendations for Patient Blood Management in Adults Since blood transfusions are one of the most common and most overused procedures in developed countries, patient blood management (PBM)… March 20, 2019
Reducing the risk of transfusion transmitted Babesia: an AABB Report Babesia is an intraerythorcytic parasite transmitted by black-legged ticks and is also the most common infectious agent for transfusion transmitted… September 12, 2018
Behavior Modifications Support Changes to Restrictive RBC Transfusion Practices Accumulating evidence supports restrictive RBC transfusion practices, and guidelines such as those recently released by the AABB recommend transfusing when… June 27, 2018
Global Variations in Blood Safety and Availability Based on WHO Report Every two years since 1998 the World Health Organization (WHO) has collected data on blood safety and availability. The WHO… January 24, 2018
US Blood Supply at Risk—Blood Collection Agencies under Financial Stress Blood collection centers in the United States have been providing a safe, reliable, and stable source of blood to hospitals… October 18, 2017
RAND Study Highlights Challenges Facing the US Blood Supply The RAND Corporation conducted a study examining the United States’ blood supply system. Data was collected from interviews with 9… November 30, 2016
New AABB Guidelines for Red Blood Cell Storage and Transfusion Thresholds The AABB has recently published updated guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion thresholds and the optimal length of storage…. October 13, 2016
No Increased Risk of Blood Donations from MSM after Temporary Deferrals Most industrialized countries do not allow blood donations from men who have had sex with men (MSM). Recently, however, several… June 29, 2016
VIDEO: Implementation of Pathogen Reduction in the United States Today we will be discussing pathogen reduction which inactivates bacteria, viruses and parasites that may contaminate blood products. European countries… May 29, 2015
FDA Recommends Screening Blood Donors Nationwide for Babesia Babesia microti, a tick-borne parasite similar to malaria, is responsible for the highest percentage of transfusion-related infectious fatalities in the… May 22, 2015