US Blood Supply at Risk—Blood Collection Agencies under Financial Stress Blood collection centers in the United States have been providing a safe, reliable, and stable source of blood to hospitals… October 18, 2017
Red Blood Cells Stored for More Than 35 Days are Safe One of the major controversies in transfusion medicine has been whether red blood cell (RBC) storage lesions result in increased… October 11, 2017
Systematic Review Recommends Standard Ratios of Blood Products for Massive Transfusion Observational studies have suggested that higher ratios of plasma and platelets to red blood cells (RBCs) might lead to better… July 26, 2017
Study Shows Fewer Blood Donations and Transfusions in 2015 Results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015 National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (NBCUS) in the United… June 21, 2017
Higher Hematocrit Levels Are Associated with Increased Thrombosis Risk and Reduced Bleeding A growing number of recent studies have observed an association between elevated hematocrit levels and thrombosis. However, the mechanism behind… May 10, 2017
Early Administration of Tranexamic Acid Reduces Maternal Deaths Due to Bleeding Administration of tranexamic acid, an antifibrinolytic drug, has been shown to reduce bleeding in trauma and surgery patients. The results… May 3, 2017
Transfusion of Red Blood Cells from Younger Donors Is Not Associated with Improved Survival Animal models suggest that blood from younger donors may provide revitalizing benefits, but findings from observational cohort studies on this… April 26, 2017
Survival for Non-Trauma Patients Transfused with High Ratios of Plasma to Red Blood Cells Although numerous studies have reported improved survival for trauma patients transfused with higher ratios of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) compared… March 22, 2017
Patients with Hematologic Cancers Have Lower Rates of Alloimmunization with RhD Over 20% of RhD-negative non-oncology patients exposed to RhD-positive red blood cells (RBCs) become alloimmunized to the RhD antigen. In… February 22, 2017
Postpartum Hemorrhage and Predelivery Anemia are Risk Factors for Severe Postpartum Anemia after Cesarean Sections Cesarean sections are one of the most common surgical operations. Postpartum anemia is a prevalent side-effect, and has been linked… February 1, 2017