Red Cells Stored Longer than Five Weeks May be Harmful AABB’s clinical practice guidelines recently stated that transfusion of fresh red blood cells (RBCs) compared to standard issue RBCs have… December 21, 2016
Standard Issue RBCs are Equivalent to Fresh RBCs for Transfusion Results of the Informing Fresh versus Old Red Cell Management (INFORM) trial have recently been presented at the AABB annual… October 27, 2016
Massive Transfusion Protocols Vary Among U.S. Hospitals Over the past several years, clinical studies have shown that blood transfused early and quickly can reduce mortality in severe… October 19, 2016
New AABB Guidelines for Red Blood Cell Storage and Transfusion Thresholds The AABB has recently published updated guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion thresholds and the optimal length of storage…. October 13, 2016
New Techniques Identify Oxidative Lesions on Stored RBCs Stored red blood cells (RBCs) undergo morphologic and biochemical changes with time. In a recently published study in Blood, researchers… September 28, 2016
Surveys Report Fewer Blood Collections and Transfusions in 2013 The AABB Blood Collection, Utilization, and Patient Blood Management Survey and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National… September 7, 2016
Association of Increased Death in Transfusion Recipients from Young or Female Donors In an observational cohort study over seven years, 30,503 red blood cells (RBC) transfusion recipients who received close to 188,000… July 20, 2016
Blood Transfusions Reduce Mortality in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Simple and exchange blood transfusions are standard care for prevention of recurrent strokes in patients with sickle cell anemia. Blood… May 11, 2016
Fresh Red Blood Cells May Be Associated with Mortality Depending on How They Are Processed Before Transfusion Several recent trials have determined that transfusion of older red blood cells (RBC) are not associated with adverse outcomes. However,… March 16, 2016
Severe Anemia Is Associated with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, not RBC Transfusions Necrotizing enterocolitis is the leading cause of mortality in preterm infants. Although there is conflicting evidence, red blood cell (RBC)… March 9, 2016