Blood from Younger Donors Does Not Affect Patient Survival after Transfusion Animal studies suggest blood from young donors may have rejuvenating effects for older patients. In a matched cohort study, researchers… February 10, 2016
Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds are Safe in Hematology Oncology Patients Large, randomized trials have shown that restrictive versus liberal transfusions are safe for a variety of patient groups. However, little… January 8, 2016
VIDEO: Cardiac Surgery in Patients who Refuse Transfusion is Not More Costly Today we will be discussing cardiac surgery patients who refuse transfusions, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although the transfusion rate varies… December 15, 2015
Age of Red Blood Cells Does Not Affect Lactic Acidosis Although a recent meta-analysis of randomized trials has reported no difference in adverse events based on the age of the… December 11, 2015
VIDEO: Blood Donor Lead Levels and Concern for Infants and Children Today we will be discussing lead levels in blood donors. Babies and young children are particularly susceptible to the neurotoxic… November 15, 2015
Transfusion of Older Red Blood Cells Do Not Effect Long Term Survival of Cardiac Surgery Patients Although stored red blood cells (RBC) undergo many physiological and morphological changes, results from at least two randomized trials have… November 13, 2015
VIDEO: Precision Medicine for the Transfusion Community Today we will be discussing how “precision medicine” will affect the transfusion community. Precision medicine, or “personalized medicine,” tailors treatments… September 30, 2015
Larger Trial Needed to Confirm Restrictive versus Liberal Blood Transfusion Policies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Several large, randomized trials revealed that restrictive transfusion policies are safe for critical care patients and patients who have had… July 24, 2015
VIDEO: Fresher Red Blood Cells are Not Clinically Superior Today we’ll be discussing transfusion of fresher versus older red blood cells. Over time, red cells develop altered structural and… April 30, 2015
VIDEO: Trial Evaluates Liberal vs. Restrictive Transfusion Approaches for Cardiac Surgery Patients Today we will be discussing red blood cell transfusions in cardiac surgery patients. Several trials have shown that a restrictive… March 30, 2015