Randomized Trial Show No Benefit for Pre-hospital Blood Transfusions in Patients with Severe Trauma Severe hemorrhage is the leading cause of death in trauma patients. In 2018, two randomized clinical trials showed contradictory results… March 15, 2022
Plasma Exchange for Hypertriglyceridemic Acute Pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis can be caused by many etiologies including high levels of plasma triglycerides. Hypertriglyceridemic acute pancreatitis (HTGAP) can cause… January 11, 2022
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Do Not Improve Ankle Osteoarthritis Ankle (tibiotalar) osteoarthritis affects approximately 3.4% of adults and is associated with a reduced quality of life. Effective non-surgical treatments… November 17, 2021
Benefits and Harms of Whole Blood versus Component Blood Transfusions Remain Unclear Transfusions may be in the form of whole blood (WB) or blood components (BC). Blood components include red blood cells,… November 9, 2021
Red Blood Cells May Act as Immune Sentinels Anucleated red blood cells (RBCs) are essential for delivery of oxygen throughout the body but have been considered immunologically inert. … November 1, 2021
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Do Not Reduce Tendon Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy Chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy is caused by a breakdown of the cartilage in the middle of the Achilles tendon, resulting… July 21, 2021
Plasma Exchange for Refractory Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is a very rare side effect that can occur 5 to 30 days after immunization… July 14, 2021
Gunshot Wounds Cause Significant Mortality, Blood Utilization, and Health Care Costs in the U.S. Half of the world’s civilian firearms are owned by individuals in the United States. The U.S. also leads all high-income… July 6, 2021
Reducing Red Cell Use for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease during a Pandemic Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has strained blood inventories, so researchers at one Philadelphia hospital implemented new measures to… June 30, 2021
Population-Based Study in India Helps Refine Hemoglobin Thresholds for Anemia in Children Since hemoglobin thresholds for anemia are currently based on data collected over 50 years ago in Caucasian adults, the WHO… June 2, 2021