RBC Transfusions Are Best for Anemic Patients with Breast Cancer Many breast cancer patients are anemic due to either their treatment or disease. Researchers examined whether erythropoietin-stimulating agents such as… February 17, 2016
Blood from Younger Donors Does Not Affect Patient Survival after Transfusion Animal studies suggest blood from young donors may have rejuvenating effects for older patients. In a matched cohort study, researchers… February 10, 2016
Septic Transfusion Reactions are More Common than Previously Thought In the United States, more than 2 million platelet transfusions are administered each year to treat thrombocytopenia or impaired platelet… February 3, 2016
Zika Virus Outbreak Close to Home The Zika arbovirus is spread by Aedes mosquitoes. First identified in Ugandan primates in 1947, the first large Zika virus… January 29, 2016
Time Constraints Deter Blood Donors In an attempt to better understand deterrents to donating blood, almost 2,000 blood donors in Quebec were surveyed.Although answers varied… January 22, 2016
VIDEO: Risk Factors for Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Today we will be discussing fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, also referred to as NAIT, which affects about 1 in… January 15, 2016
Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds are Safe in Hematology Oncology Patients Large, randomized trials have shown that restrictive versus liberal transfusions are safe for a variety of patient groups. However, little… January 8, 2016