Electronic Scanning of Patient Wristbands Reduces Chance of ABO-Incompatible Transfusions ABO-incompatible transfusions can be life-threatening to patients and are often attributable to human errors. Wrong blood in tube (WBIT) errors… December 19, 2018
There’s an App for That: Detecting Anemia Using a Smartphone App Anemia affects more than 2 billion people worldwide, and a new smartphone app may help diagnose anemia using photos. Researchers… December 11, 2018
Evidence-Based Transfusion Guidelines Needed for Thalassemia Population Thalassemia is a hereditary hemolytic disease characterized by abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) production; the severity of the disease is based on… December 5, 2018
Older RBCs Associated with Increased Risk of Death Among Trauma Patients Current regulations allow red blood cells (RBCs) to be stored and used for up to 42 days. During this time,… November 27, 2018
Rituximab Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases Intravenous immune globin (IVIG) is used to treat immunoglobulin deficiency and autoimmune diseases. However, other immune-modulating drugs, such as… November 21, 2018
Restrictive Platelet Transfusions Superior in Preterm Infants with Thrombocytopenia Greater than 10% of babies are born prematurely in Europe and the United States, and many of these infants have… November 13, 2018
Blood Use After Mass Shootings Since 2000, mass shootings (>3 deaths) have increased in frequency and severity. Hemorrhage is the main cause of death immediately… November 7, 2018
How Cost-Effective Is Zika Virus Screening? In 2016, the United States began mandated screening of individual donations for the Zika Virus (ZIKV) using nucleic acid testing… October 31, 2018
Eculizumab for Treating Cold Agglutinin Disease Cold agglutinin disease (CAD) is a rare autoimmune disease caused by antibodies directed against red blood cell antigens, making them… October 24, 2018
Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates among Reinstated MSM Donors In December 2016, the American Red Cross began collecting blood from men who have sex with men (MSM) in… October 17, 2018