Practical Guidance for Blood Supply and Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic Researchers in Europe and Canada reviewed more than 9,000 publications about COVID-19 and identified 414 papers relevant to blood collections,… July 15, 2020
Erythropoietin Does Not Provide Neuroprotection in Preterm Infants In addition to stimulating red blood cell production, erythropoietin is a trophic factor in fetal brain development. Meta-analysis of four… January 22, 2020
New Drug, Enasidenib, Enhances Erythroid Differentiation and Lessens Anemia Enaisdenib inhibits isocitrate dehygrogenase 2 (IDH2)-mutant activity and was approved by the FDA in 2017 for patients with refractory or… January 15, 2020
Delayed Umbilical Cord for Cesarean Deliveries Does Not Increase Maternal Blood Loss A 30 to 60 second delay in umbilical cord clamping for full-term and preterm neonates improves neonatal hemoglobin levels 24-48… November 26, 2019
Large-Scale Production of Red Blood Cells from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Cost-effective, large-scale production of red blood cells (RBCs) would eliminate blood shortages and ensure antigen-compatible cells are available for alloimunized… November 13, 2019
Urgent Global Need of Blood Products The current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommend 10-20 blood donations per 1000 individuals, but these guidelines do not take… October 29, 2019
Donor, Blood Component, and Patient Factors all Affect Hemoglobin Levels after RBC Transfusion To better understand the interplay between donor characteristics, blood product preparation and storage, and patient characteristics on the outcome of… October 2, 2019
Immunogenicity of MMR Vaccine in Chronically Transfused Pediatric Patients Both the American Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Canadian immunization guide recommend delaying live vaccine immunizations for… September 10, 2019
Iron Deficiency Toolkit Improves Iron Levels in Pregnancy and Decreases Transfusions About 10% of women and teens of childbearing age have iron deficiency in developed countries. Pregnancy exacerbates the risk of… September 4, 2019
Transfusion Important for Treatment of Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (WAHA) affects 1 to 3 per 100,000 individuals per year and is the most common type… August 22, 2019