Cold Storage Affects Platelet Function and Glycoprotein VI Levels Maintaining an adequate supply of platelets is laborious and costly since they can only be stored for 5 to 7… October 20, 2021
RBC and Plasma Transfusions Decreased in the U.S. (2015-2018) Blood transfusions are one of the most common medical procedures in hospitalized patients, and robust data from randomized clinical trials… September 28, 2021
REDS-III Study Highlights Need for Pediatric Oncology Transfusion Guidelines Pediatric hematology/oncology patients receive a significant proportion of pediatric transfusions. Data, however, are limited guiding clinical decisions for transfusions… September 22, 2021
Mean Fluorescence Intensity to Select HLA-Matched Platelets Over two million units of platelets are transfused each year in the United States—the majority to hematology-oncology patients. Alloimmunization against… August 13, 2021
U.S. National Platelet Inventory and Transfusion Practice Survey Nearly 7,000 units of platelets are needed daily in the U.S., and platelet transfusions increased by 15.8% from 2017 to… August 3, 2021
Epitope Matched HLA Platelets Are Noninferior to Standard Matched HLA Platelets Alloimmunization to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) leads to platelet refractoriness, defined as decreased post-transfusion platelet count increments (PCIs), and is… January 27, 2021
COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Transfusion Services: Elective Surgeries Resume, Convalescent Plasma Use Increases, and Blood Supply Drops to Critical Levels Based on the AABB COVID-19 Weekly Hospital Transfusion Survey, which collected data from 96 hospitals in 35 states between May… June 2, 2020
Convalescent Plasma Donors Needed for COVID-19 Hospitals and blood collection centers are working with the US Government collaboratively to collect convalescent plasma from patients who have… April 22, 2020
Platelet Transfusion Use in the United States Although RBC transfusions have decreased over the past decade, the demand for platelet transfusions has increased. In order to better… December 30, 2019
Mechanisms and Implications of Why Platelet Transfusions May Not Always Be Effective Platelet transfusions are not always effective at preventing bleeding in patients with inherited and acquired platelet disorders such as Glanzmann’s… December 18, 2019