Thrombosomes (Lyophilized Platelets) Appear Safe in Phase 1 Trial Data from a phase 1, open-label, multi-center safety trial of lyophilized platelets were recently presented at the 2019 AABB… October 24, 2019
FDA Guidance to Control for Bacterial Contamination in Platelets The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued final guidance to reduce bacterial contamination of platelets stored at room… October 9, 2019
RBC Alloimmunization is a Predictor of HLA Alloimmunization Alloantibodies to the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) or red blood cells (RBCs) can develop after exposure to alloantigens such as… July 17, 2019
Restrictive Platelet Transfusions Superior in Preterm Infants with Thrombocytopenia Greater than 10% of babies are born prematurely in Europe and the United States, and many of these infants have… November 13, 2018
Cryopreserved Platelets Are Safe and Prevent Bleeding Cryopreservation of platelets could drastically simplify storage of platelets, especially for difficult locations such as combat zones, trauma centers, and… September 26, 2018
Presence of Cell-free Nucleic Acids in Blood Products Cell-free nucleic acids (CFNAs) are often present in plasma. A new study tested whether CFNAs are also present and active… July 25, 2018
Pathogen Reduction Technologies and Hemostatic Efficacy of Platelets Pathogen reduction technologies (PRTs) for platelets inactivate known and unknown viruses, bacteria, and parasites in addition to inactivating white blood… July 18, 2018
Platelet Counts Decrease during Pregnancy but Severe Thrombocytopenia is Rare Gestational thrombocytopenia affects 5-10% of women with uncomplicated pregnancies. In order to gain a better understanding of the normal… July 10, 2018
Costs are High for Administrating Blood Transfusions A recent micro-costing study in the United Kingdom suggests administration costs are high for blood transfusions. Researchers collected detailed data… April 11, 2018
Secondary Bacterial Culture for Platelets Reduces Transfusion Risk and Complies with FDA Draft Guidance for Platelet Safety Platelets are most susceptible to bacterial contamination due to their storage conditions. In order to decrease the risk of bacterial… April 4, 2018