Stabilization of Blood Collection and Use in the United States Since 1997, the biennial National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (NBCUS) has been collecting data on blood use and collection… May 2, 2023
Randomized Trial Results on Donor Sex and RBC Recipient Mortality Observational studies and systematic reviews have found conflicting results on the association between RBC donor sex and associated transfusion recipient… April 18, 2023
Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution Reduces Transfusions in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Approximately one to two million cardiac surgery operations are performed worldwide each year accounting for about 80% of all surgical… March 15, 2023
Increased Blood Use and Cost for Emergency Transfusions with Whole Blood Compared to Packed Red Blood Cells In the past two decades, a growing number of hospitals have started using whole blood to treat trauma patients and… February 16, 2023
Thromboelastometry and Clinical Guidance for Fibrinogen Infusions during Liver Transplantation Thromboelastometry provides individualized measures of clot kinetics and structure, and has played an increasingly important role in the management of… February 8, 2023
Sickle Cell Trait Testing of RBC Units While individuals with the sickle cell trait (SCT) have a single allele of hemoglobin S (HbS) and are eligible blood… December 27, 2022
Hypoxic Storage Helps to Preserve Red Blood Cells Red blood cells (RBCs) may be stored for up to 42 days, but over time storage lesions also develop. These… November 22, 2022
Transfusion Thresholds for Patients Receiving ECMO Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used to help provide respiratory support to patients with severe acute respiratory distress… November 2, 2022
Sex-Matched Transfusions May Reduce Mortality While plasma from female donors increases the risk of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), observational studies have had conflicting results… October 6, 2022
Mitapivat Trial Results in Adults with Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Requiring Transfusions Pyruvate kinase deficiency is a rare, congenital form of chronic hemolytic anemia. Current treatments for pyruvate kinase deficiency, including RBC… August 31, 2022